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Press Release / Health and Fitness / How To Improve Memory | “Total Recall” Teaches People How To Protect Themselves From Alzheimer’s And Dementia

How To Improve Memory | “Total Recall” Teaches People How To Protect Themselves From Alzheimer’s And Dementia

By shemika32 on December 16 2013 | 1274 Views

Total Recall developed by Rachael Linkie is the latest book that contains exercises, diet plans, tips, and detailed instructions on how to improve memory effectively and naturally

Total Recall developed by Rachael Linkie is the latest book that contains memory exercises, diet plans, tips, and detailed instructions on how to improve memory effectively and naturally. The book also introduces to people innovative memory training methods, which help them renew their entire health from the inside out. In addition, in this book, people will discover memory improvement techniques that they can use to supercharge their memory and disease-proof their brain against Alzheimer’s and dementia. Furthermore, people also learn ways to conquer memory problems, ways to overcome a family history of dementia, and ways to remember faces, names, shopping lists. Moreover, by following memory exercises and memory improvement tips, people can keep their mind and their memory razor sharp for a lifetime. With this book, people also are able to beat depression and fight stress caused by a ‘fatigued’ mind. After Rachael Linkie launched the “Total Recall” book, a lot of customers have used it for discovering how to protect themselves from Alzheimer’s and dementia. Consequently, the website made a full overview about the benefits that this book brings people.

A full review of Total Recall on the site indicates that this book will take people step-by-step through the process of learning easy ways to protect their brain, retain their memory, improve their entire health, and fight disease. The book also reveals to people simple ways to protect their body from the damaging effects of heavy metal toxins and drug side effects, and ways to reverse devastating diseases like Alzheimer’s and dementia. In addition, in this book, people can find out causes that reduce their memory, and all necessary information about Alzheimer’s and dementia such as causes, symptoms, prevention, and treatments. Furthermore, the book also introduces to people ways to prevent dementia by eating meat, eggs and cereal, ways to keep their memory sharp by using ordinary black pepper, and ways to flush memory-robbing toxins out of their body with bananas. Moreover, people will discover how to reverse brain ageing with blueberries, how to beat “brain fog” by getting more prunes in their diet, and how to re-grow “dead” brain cells with a mushroom, and a lot of other useful information in this book.

Tony Nguyen from the site says that: “Total Recall is the unique book that instructs people how to increase memory power. In addition, in this book, people will get advanced memory improvement methods and brain exercises that help them fight dementia, boost their brain power, and beat sleep problems like insomnia.”
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